Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lesson 1 : Defining Creativity

What is Creativity

According to Wikipedia, "Creativity is a mental and social process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. Creativity is fueled by the process of either conscious or unconscious insight. An alternative conception of creativeness is that it is simply the act of making something new."

So, creativity is not reserved for web designers (and artists, or art, in general). Anyone can be creative. It can be seen outside the design or art. Take cooking for example. Can cook be creative? Could food be prepared or arranged on a plate in a creative way? Yes, I think.

source :

What i had Learned...

What i had learned in the lecture class was '' EVERY PEOPLE CAN BE CREATIVE ''.
Creativity is absolutely a state of mind and try to think outside the box.

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